How "Iran" and "Contra" came to be said in the same breath ... Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh investigated the affair for the next eight years. Fourteen people were charged with either ...
Uncover the shocking truth behind real-life conspiracies that were once dismissed as mere theories. From government cover-ups ...
Below are excerpts from “The Minority Report” signed onto by six Republican congressmen and two Republican senators: “President Reagan and his staff made mistakes in the Iran-Contra Affair. It is ...
As tension and fighting continued between the Sandinista government and the Contras, the Nicaraguan government attempted to make peace. In September 1984, Nicaragua signed a draft of the Contadora ...
Cover Up: Behind the Iran-Contra Affair explores more than a few unsettling chapters in the history of U.S. covert foreign policy. The film explores a tale of politics, drugs, hostages ...
Both characterisations, wrote Mr Will, are too kind. The Iran-Contra affair was not, he wrote, an aberration – it was a policy of the same pattern as the Daniloff debacle, and the Iceland summit ...
If you decide, in winter, to cut your cable bill by $30 to help defray a $50 increase in your monthly heating bill, have you cut household expenses? No, you... Americans should think about ...