Americký hokejový klub New York Rangers predĺžil zmluvu s brankárom Jonathanom Quickom o ďalšiu sezónu. Podľa agentúry AP by mal kontrakt ...
V zápasoch NHL sa predstavila dvojica slovenských hokejistov. Do hry sa dostali dvaja slovenskí útočníci - Martin Pospíšil a ...
In a three-month span, the Blueshirts went from only have two regular defensemen under contract for next season to five.
Trade Fight Widens as Europe and Canada Retaliate Against Trump Tariffs As President Trump’s global tariffs on metals took effect, the European Union and Canada announced billions of dollars in ...
Is Juraj Slafkovsky overthinking things? This is a question that comes to mind, considering the highs and lows of his season.
The New York Times is tracking the actions and significant statements of President Trump and his administration during the first 100 days of Mr. Trump’s second term. By Karen YourishEric ...
In today’s links, shifting away from Trevor Zegras, where Montreal’s top line ranks, Slafkovský playing on instinct, but still not happy with his season, Hutson’s ...
It starts on Oct. 9 and ends on April 17. How many seasons have the New York Rangers played? The New York Rangers have played 97 seasons. They are one of the “Original Six” teams in the NHL and began ...
A father takes his daughter to her favorite pop star's concert only to realize they're caught in an FBI sting operation to catch a serial killer. An exotic dancer's fate takes a turn when she crosses ...
Tips and tricks to find all of Netflix’s Korean movies and series.
BRATISLAVA - Maďarský minister zahraničných vecí a vonkajších ekonomických vzťahov Péter Szijjártó sa vo štvrtok v rámci pracovnej návštevy stretne v Bratislave s ministrom zahraničných vecí a ...
CHERSON/KRYM – Prípad, ktorý sa na prvý pohľad javí ako obeta a dobrosrdečnosť, sa zamotáva čoraz viac. Istá Ruska sa vrátila z Chersonskej oblasti aj so 4-ročným dieťaťom, ktoré si chce podľa svojich ...