The “Conception Begins at Erection” bill would make it a felony ... like at a sperm bank; if contraception is used; if discharge occurs during masturbation; and if it occurs with a person ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - Two state lawmakers are planning to introduce a bill that they’ve nicknamed the Conception Begins at Erection Act ... apply if protection or contraception is used ...
Tristan Rader (D-Lakewood) joined forces to propose a bill nicknamed "Conception Begins at Erection Act ... make their own decisions about abortion, contraception, fertility treatment, miscarriage ...
Ohio Democratic state representatives Anita Somani and Tristan Rader have introduced a bill nicknamed the "Conception Begins at Erection Act." This legislation would make it a felony for men to ...
The “Contraception Begins at Erection Act” proposed outlawing “discharging genetic material” without trying to make a baby. It included exceptions for donating sperm and using ...
The proposed Ohio law sets out to be merciful for male seed offenders. Those arrested on a first offence will only be fined $A1600. This rises to $A8000 for the second, and $A16,000 for the third. The ...
Anita Somani, D-Dublin, said she has introduced many bills during her time as a state representative, but none have generated buzz like her “Conception Begins at Erection” act. The bill would ...
The “Contraception Begins at Erection Act” proposed outlawing “discharging genetic material” without trying to make a baby. It included exceptions for donating sperm and using ...