The Bb Connect portal allows you to add or modify the ways in which you want Gallaudet University and Clerc Center to reach you using Bb Connect announcement. You will able to add or delete phone ...
Students explore organizational change and leadership in educational organizations, including K-12 schools, schools for the deaf, school districts, and teacher education. This course examines basic ...
This course is an additional, follow-up psychology internship for students who have successfully completed PSY 451 Internship I. The student works 10-15 or more hours per week in an applied ...
Gallaudet University’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) will host an Out of the Darkness Campus Walk on April 4, 2025. Donations ...
On September 26, 1973, the US Congress passed The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and these words, from “Section 504,” became federal law: No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United ...
The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSWD) merged with the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC), to become the Disability Services Center (DSC). Our purpose is to help qualified students with ...
Regular status employees are recognized for their service and unwavering commitment to Gallaudet University at each five-year milestone of service. Each employee receives a personalized letter and ...
Most Americans know Alexander Graham Bell as an inventor of the telephone. But few know that the central interest of his life was education for deaf children or that he was one of the strongest ...
Special Topics in the discipline, designed primarily for juniors. Students may enroll in 395 Special Topics multiple times, as long as topics differ.
An introduction to the scientific study of human behavior, providing an overview of the major issues, methods, and contributions of psychology. Content areas include development, language, learning, ...
This course focuses on the analysis of discourse in dialogic genres of English and American Sign Language (ASL) so that interpreting students become explicitly aware of the features of language use in ...
Generally taken in the fourth year or beyond, the advanced clinical psychology practicum includes additional clinical training and experiences in assessment, evidence-based interventions, case ...