Saving on a Valuable Education student loan repayment plan -- could be next on the chopping block. SAVE is an income-driven ...
Experts spoke to Newsweek about what students can expect if the Trump administration abolishes the Department of Education.
If you're close to PSLF forgiveness, this option let's you apply for debt relief now, even if you're enrolled in SAVE.
Despite record levels of student loan forgiveness, student debt totals are higher today than when President Biden took office ...
With all the uncertainty surrounding student loans, scammers are preying on individuals who are looking for lower payments or ...
Student loan forgiveness has been in the forefront, but the potential elimination of the student loan interest deduction ...
A temporary freeze imposed briefly this week by the White House on federal grants and loans left many students wondering ...
Strike the right balance with a payment that makes progress on the debt without stretching your budget too thin.
Is refinancing your student loans something that could help you? NerdWallet tells Consumer Investigator Rachel DePompa it ...
With the Trump administration looking for ways to close parts or all of the U.S. Department of Education, many of the country’s 42 million federal student loan borrowers are likely feeling on edge.
Find out if parents have to cosign student loans.
A disruption created by a Trump executive order could delay the process of the Department of Education telling colleges if a student qualifies for financial aid, whether that be a grant or a federal ...